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Gut-Loving Marshmallows



If your kids are a fan of Happy Tummy Gummies then there’s no doubt they’ll love these
Natural Marshmallows too!

Once again we get to switch out lollies laden with refined sugar, artificial colours, flavours,
sweeteners and preservatives, with healthy, natural, gut-loving goodness!

A good quality, organic gelatin helps support and heal the lining of the gut and intestinal
walls, which improves gut integrity and digestive strength. So not only are we avoiding all the inflammatory ingredients in regular marshmallows, but we are actually help heal the gut with these delicious, fluffy bad boys!

They’re perfect melted into a cup of hot chocolate, as a bite size treat or in healthy
homemade rocky road! (recipe for this coming soon). To level up these gut-loving treats even more, try adding in some Nutra Organics Velvet Latte or Lunar Latte.

The Velvet Latte is a beetroot chai infusion, perfect for extra gut cleansing support, and as
an added bonus, makes the marshmallow pink!

The Lunar Latte is a blend of purple carrot, Ayurvedic ashwagandha and floral botanicals
which help calm and relax, making marshmallows made with these, the perfect after
dinner/pre-bedtime treat! Plus, it turns the marshmallows a beautiful pastel purple.

There is actually a whole range of superfood lattes available which would make awesome
additions to this recipe, I have just personally only tired the two above so far.
Lovers Latte – brown, Golden Latte – Yellow, Matcha Latte – Green and Mermaid Latte –


Natural Marshmallows

1 Cup Water
2.5 Tbsp Organic Gelatin
2 Tbsp Honey (or sugar-free sweetener* if you prefer)
1/4 tsp Salt
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 Tbsp Nutra Organics Velvet Latte or Lunar Latte
*my preferred sugar-free sweeteners are Lakanto and Natvia


  • Line a large dish with a LGKS Silicone Mat.
  • In a large bowl add 1/2 Cup water and sprinkle the gelatin overtop.
  • Give the bowl a gentle swirl to ensure all gelatin is being absorded by the water.
  • In a small pot add the other 1/2 Cup water, the honey and salt.
  • Over a medium-high heat, stirring gently, bring the mixture to the boil.
  • Once boiling set a timer for 5 minutes and lower the temperature slightly, to keep at a
  • gentle boil. Continue to stir the mixture throughout.
  • Turn down a little more to keep the mixture gently simmering.
  • Now with an electric hand beater, start to beat the water/gelatin mix on a low-medium speed. Carefully and VERY SLOWLY begin to beat in small amounts of the water/honey mix bit by bit, returning the pot to the stove between additions to keep the mixture hot. This should take at least 5 minutes.
  • Now turn off the beater, scrape down the sides of the bowl and add in the vanilla extract (and velvet latte if using). Beat on high for 8-12 minutes (depending on your beater), until stiff peaks JUST start to form.
  • Pour mixture into your tray and spread out nice and evenly.
  • Pop into the fridge to set for 2 hours, then cut to desired size.
  • Or better yet, use the LGKS Shape cutters to make cute little marshmallow shapes!


Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.


Gelatin, Superfood Lattes and cutters available from Little Giants Kids Store with my discount code FRANCES. It is an affiliate code so you will get 10% off and I will get a small percentage of each sale. If you use my code, thank you! It goes toward helping me support my family.


Recipe created and blog written by Frances Tibbits
